Årabrot-mainman diagnosed with cancer

Following Årabrot's recent UK tour, Årabrot mainman Kjetil Nernes has been hospitalized and is currently under treament for throat cancer.

The latest reports from the doctors say that his prognosis is good, but the cure will be hard and followed by long convalescence. We have been in touch with Kjetil Nernes who dryly comments that he hopes to get rid of some inner demons while undertaking the cure.

Please join us in wishing Kjetil Nernes a quick recovery on Årabrot's Facebook page

  All Årabrot actions are currently halted, but we are crossing our fingers they will be back in full force in October. Årabrot have just finished the production of a 6 track mini album entitled I Modi. The release is put on hold until Kjetil Nernes' condition is clarified. We will post an update as soon as soon as we have any further official information. More on Årabrot: Fysisk Format Roster page Arabrot.com